Thursday, December 12, 2013

Futurism Booklet

This Is the final layout of my booklet using futurism typography. This project was a bit of a challenge because normally when I design with type, I tend to keep everything square and really use a grid. Whereas the futurism movement focuses on generally unconstrained type, and turning the type into imagery. Movement is a large part of futurist artwork and I tried to incorporate this within the design using dynamic angles and curves. I positioned the type so that it would force the reader to physically move the book around in order to continue reading. Throughout the design I focused on Depero's style of futurism whilst also trying to incorporate a bit of FT Marinetti's style as well.    

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Creative Outline

The client for this project will be anyone interested in typography, design, and or the futurist movement and manifesto. The material will consist of thick paper along with some sort of metal cover to incorporate the fondness of steel and machinery that surrounds the futurist manifesto. The piece will also incorporate movement, by alternating the placement of lines of the manifesto, causing the viewer to be forced to physically move the book in order to keep reading. The piece will be engaging and incorporate more elements of the futurist manifesto as well as the actual manifesto itself. I may also incorporate screws in some way, and taking a page from Fortunato Depero's "Depero's Futurista."

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Assignment 4 research

Some research and images into the futurism movement

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Kinetic Type
Clockwork Orange

For this assignment I chose to animate a scene from the movie "Clockwork Orange," by Stanley Kubrick. I chose this scene because there's a lot of emotion in the dialogue, that would make for an interesting juxtaposition with kinetic type. I tried to keep the type flowing and moving frequently in order to keep the video interesting. I adjusted the sizes and how words came on the screen to coincide with the audio. I decided to add some images in various spots to keep the movie interesting and help the pacing along. All in all I am pleased with the final results.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kinetic typography
I thought this was an engaging example of kinetic typography, that also utilized an interesting sound clip from the movie Fight Club.

Final Font Poster and Booklet

For this project I wanted to go with a bold approach to creating a poster and booklet for the Google font; Cantarell. I used a grid approach for both the poster and booklet and decided to put all the text on a 25 degree angle to make it a bit more interesting to look at. I decided to use bold line with varying widths to make the piece visually appealing and chose to emphasize some of the letterforms by changing the typefaces and adding strokes around the outside of certain letters. The poster and booklet each contain three colors; a variation of red, yellow, and black, as well as the white of the page. I tried to keep the design cohesive amongst the booklet and poster and overall I think the project turned out successful.

 Book cover


Monday, September 30, 2013

font booklet initial designs

Project Brief:

Project brief for Cantarell font poster and booklet

The goal of this project is to create a fun interesting design that centers on the typeface Cantarell. The poster will be a simple design using only three colors throughout the layout. The colors I have chosen to use are an opaque yellow, red and black, which I believe, will make an interesting aesthetically pleasing layout. The booklet will be designed in the same manner in order to ensure cohesiveness. The booklet will feature all the different styles of the typeface and utilize the same color scheme.  The goal of the poster and booklet is to show the different type styles as well as the different letterforms.  

Rough Booklet layout: